Certificate of Participation - III Meta-Analysis Academy

Certificate of Participation - III Meta-Analysis Academy

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Certificate of Completion III Meta-Analysis Academy Course

This page is exclusively for registering to receive the completion certificate of the III Meta-Analysis Academy Course. Please pay careful attention to your data - it must not contain errors.

Fill in all the information to receive the certificate.

Label_Online Label_Presencial Label_PresencialEOnline


Label_DoacaoAPartir {{item.valores[0].valor | currency:viewModel.evento.moeda}}

Free {{viewModel.configuracaoInscricaoEvento.descricaoEntradaGratis}}
{{entrada.valor | currency:viewModel.evento.moeda}}
until {{entrada.validoAte |date: viewModel.evento.cultura.formatoData}}
until {{entrada.validoAte |date: viewModel.evento.cultura.formatoData}}
From {{entrada.validoDe | date:viewModel.evento.cultura.formatoData}}

Not available


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